十大网赌靠谱网址平台 hosts Rehabilitation and Human Services Day

The program provided a forum to explore the opioid epidemic and more

Voices for Change provided a banner entitled “Time to Remember, 行动起来吧,” which depicted local residents who have died from overdoses. This hung in Centre Hall at the Lehigh Valley campus for attendees of RHS day to view.


十大网赌靠谱网址平台 hosted its first Rehabilitation and Human Services (RHS) Day for more than 120 students, 教职员工于4月3日在校园内举行. The theme of the program was “The Opioid Epidemic,” which elaborated on the terminology of substance abuse disorders, 这种疾病背后的耻辱, 目前的治疗方案和更多.

利Cundari, assistant teaching professor and coordinator of the Rehabilitation and Human Services program at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台, arranged for eight speakers from various organizations to provide insight on the growing crisis.

“The purpose of this forum is to begin a campus dialogue about this critical challenge, 我们的社会正面临着什么,昆达里说.

比尔Stauffer, executive director of the 宾西法尼亚 Recovery Organization Alliance, opened with the history of the opioid epidemic, 以及应对的策略. Dr. 吉莉安波, emergency physician and medical toxicologist, and 佩奇罗斯, 戒毒专家, both from Lehigh Valley Health Network explored how substance abuse disorders negatively impact the brain, and the current treatment options available for those affected. 杰森Kamora, program director of the Halfway 首页 in the Lehigh Valley, explained the signs and symptoms of substance abuse disorder, 比如情绪的剧烈变化, 突然的财政困难等等.

蒂姆·蒙克, director of the Lehigh Valley Drug and Alcohol Intake Unit, and 泰瑞Kistler, lecturer in rehabilitation and human services at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台, elaborated on the process of recovery from substance abuse and provided resources for participants to get involved. 法官 克雷格磨磨蹭蹭的,快 from the Northampton County Court of Common Pleas, discussed the drug court and legal ramifications about substance abuse.

乔Starace, Lehigh University graduate intern at the Center of Humanistic Change, reflected on his personal journey living with a substance abuse disorder.

“I’ve lost my house, my car, my fiancée, family and friends because of my addiction,” said Starace. “The eye-opening moment for me to seek support for my addiction was my sister. 她正是我一直尊敬的人, and she told me I had to seek help because I was destroying my family. Since then, I’ve been more than two years sober.”


乔Starace, Lehigh University graduate intern at the Center of Humanistic Change, shared his journey to recovery from substance abuse on Apr. 在利哈伊谷校区.


Alissa帕特森, a junior psychology student at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台, attended the forum to gain insight and treatment options for those affected by substance abuse disorders.

“I lost one of my family members because of this opioid crisis. I feel the treatment given to them wasn’t enough,” said Patterson. “Instead of looking at how to fix someone by prescribing more medicine, we should be focusing on providing counseling services and more.”

除了演讲者, attendees had access to professionals from several agencies including Lehigh Valley Drug and Alcohol Intake Unit, 治疗趋势, 人文变革中心, 和火星, who had information tables set up in Centre Hall throughout the day. Attendees also had access to two impactful displays. Voices for Change provided a banner titled “Time to Remember, 行动起来吧,” which depicted local residents who have died from overdoses. 除了, the 宾西法尼亚 Recovery Organization Alliance provided a quilt titled “Our Lives Matter,,描绘了沉迷于上瘾的人, each panel of which was created by the victim’s family.


The 宾西法尼亚 Recovery Organization Alliance provided a quilt entitled “Our Lives Matter,,描绘了沉迷于上瘾的人, each panel of which was created by the victim’s family. This was displayed in Centre Hall at the Lehigh Valley campus during RHS day.


RHS program day was a forum sponsored by the campus' Rehabilitation and Human Services program, with assistance from RHS student ambassadors Tiffany Bonilla-Cacaeres, 尼基塔·布雷迪, 凯特•伯恩斯, 杰西卡Fenstermaker, Eric Gainor, 瑞玛·Kaskas, 玛丽亚·莫特, 赛琳娜·纳扎里奥和林恩·沃森.

该论坛是由昆达里策划的, 凯特布瑞恩, 玛丽莎Ketcham, 泰瑞Kistler, 蒂姆Munsch, 赛琳娜已满, 佩吉·罗斯和塔米·尤库姆·维恩卡拉.

For more information about the opioid epidemic, visit 美国卫生和公众服务部.政府.



