十大网赌靠谱网址平台 College faculty foster STEM research opportunities

a group of people presenting at a conference

杰奎琳年代. 麦克劳林, associate professor of biology and director of Penn State CHANCE, (中)发表了关于十大网赌靠谱网址平台CHANCE项目及其对玻利维亚环境教育和保护倡导的全球影响的国际演讲.

来源:杰奎琳. 麦克劳林

宾州大学公园. — Penn State Commonwealth Campuses have a plethora of research programs in science, 技术, engineering and mathematics at the undergraduate level.

十大网赌靠谱网址平台学院是十大网赌靠谱网址平台分布在联邦各地的14个校区的集体行政保护伞. 住在 Office of the Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses, 它包括宾夕法尼亚州立海狸, 白兰地酒, 杜波依斯, 菲也特, 更大的阿勒格尼, 黑泽尔顿, 利哈伊谷, 蒙特中音, 新肯辛顿, 斯古吉尔河, 斯克兰顿, Shenango, 威尔克斯-巴里和约克, 有8个以上,000 Penn State students attending classes at a University College campus.

Penn State 白兰地酒: Earth science

Among those faculty conducting research in the University College is Laura Guertin, distinguished professor of Earth science at Penn State 白兰地酒, who began mentoring students at her campus in 2001, having assisted over 50 student researchers.

她与那些对地球与矿物科学学院的任何专业感兴趣的大二学生一起工作. The students have only had introductory-level courses in the discipline, 这意味着项目的类型被转移到与他们在该研究领域的具体知识水平相匹配.

格廷说,她喜欢与白兰地酒学院一年级和二年级地球科学/地球和矿物科学专业的学生一起工作. 她说,她理解这些学生刚刚开始掌握这门学科的主题, working with them to further develop their knowledge and skills, 除了与他们合作建立一个适合他们基金会的项目之外.

“我的六名学生研究人员获得了本科研究委员会地球科学部门颁发的优秀学生研究奖,”格廷说。, 注意到这是国家荣誉. “I've taken several students to present their research at local-to-international conferences. These students have been co-authors on journal articles, too.”

Penn State 新肯辛顿: Electro-mechanical engineering 技术

Nearly four and a half hours away in the southwestern portion of 宾西法尼亚, 约瑟夫Cuiffi, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台新肯辛顿分校机电工程技术(EMET)项目的副教授和项目协调员, is managing new ways to keep his researchers engaged. 在那里, he develops learning activities for students for smart manufacturing, teaching undergraduate students how to build equipment and develop data learning activities.

“EMET的本科生是为CESMII开发智能制造教材的团队的一部分, 智能制造研究院,库菲说. “这为他们提供了一个学习高级工程主题的机会,否则他们不会看到这些主题。, such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and data analytics for manufacturing. 他们还看到他们的工作成为国家内容库的一部分,并成为他们专业EMET新选修课的基础. 在我看来, 他们在发展学习练习方面的观点帮助我设计了适合广大读者的教材.”

Penn State 斯古吉尔河: STEM research

At Penn State 斯古吉尔河 in northeastern 宾西法尼亚, 17% of undergraduate students conduct research under faculty mentorship outside of class. Coordinating the effort is Lee Silverberg, 化学教授, 校园STEM项目的部门协调员和本科研究委员会主席. 通过议会, 西尔弗伯格和其他教员确定了增加本科生研究参与度的方法.

十大网赌靠谱网址平台斯库尔基尔分校STEM专业的几名教师正在与生物学等领域的学生一起进行研究, 化学, 物理与计算机科学. Research crosses all disciplines at 斯古吉尔河, not just the sciences — other research work includes projects in criminal justice, 心理学与人文学科. Silverberg’s research is in organic 化学.

While the campus doesn’t offer all four years of Penn State’s 化学 major, Silverberg is able to work with students majoring in biology at 斯古吉尔河, 或者那些利用 大学的2+2课程. 这使得Silverberg可以在学生转入十大网赌靠谱网址平台另一个校区之前,与他们在本科学习的头两年进行研究.

“Most of my students are some other major, and a lot of them — not only are they undergraduates, but they are first- or second-year undergraduates,西尔弗伯格说. “So, they’re not even deep into classes yet. I work with first semester students in my lab.“这种对学术研究的早期介绍使学生在整个学习中走上成功之路, including application and admission to graduate studies and medical school, 他说.

十大网赌靠谱网址平台: Course-based 本科研究 experiences

杰奎琳·麦克劳克林, professor of biology at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台, 她最出名的是她对教学和指导学生和教师进行本科研究的热情. 她在学校里分享了这一点, 许多教师采用探究式学习方法,让学生参与创造性的研究活动, e.g., 实验室研究, 实地研究, 文学评论, 数据分析, mathematical and computational projects, 以及设计和工程项目.

"While 'research' may conjure images of white lab coats and notebooks, 创新和有效的方法正在将本科研究的定义扩展到现代和跨学科的高等教育领域,她说. 

麦克劳克林说,她最喜欢的方法是基于课程的本科生研究经验(CURE)。. 这是一个学习的舞台,整个班级的学生解决一个研究问题或问题,未知的结果或解决方案是社会感兴趣的. CUREs的设计是为了解决国家生命科学教育改革努力的主要目标,即扩大涉及本科生的研究.

她说,她不仅喜欢为她的学生开发和实施新的治疗方法,还喜欢评估它们的好处(学生的成果)。, such as acquisition of research skills, 员工的技能, 独立和批判性思维. 她还创建了“四步治疗教学框架”,以帮助指导其他教师设计和实施他们自己的治疗方法.

麦克劳林的构建, implements and assesses CUREs internationally as well — with the start of CHANCE, Connecting Hand and Nature through Conservation Experiences, in 2004.  CHANCE是一个屡获殊荣的, 国际项目,培养学生在环境可持续性和保护生物学超过65个政府, 非政府, 学术, and corporate partners and collaborators around the world.

She has developed and led short-term study abroad programs to Alaska, 澳大利亚, 中国, 哥斯达黎加, 古巴, 厄瓜多尔, 加拉帕戈斯群岛, 巴拿马, 秘鲁, 罗马尼亚和坦桑尼亚(很快还有希腊),学生们在那里研究了与森林砍伐和生物多样性丧失有关的问题, lake eutrophication and water pollution, 沙漠化, global climate change and coral bleaching. 

“我个人从CHANCE中学到的是:我们这个世界的生态系统已经或正在崩溃,麦克劳克林说. "Nature yearns for sustainability; meaning that humans live in harmony with her. 本科研究在全球背景下是很重要的,因为学生有机会揭开生态系统消亡的人为手段,并利用这些知识有效地工作和倡导自然恢复. CHANCE participants give me hope for tomorrow. 许多人已经成为,也将成为我们这个世界迫切需要的变革推动者.”

将STEM课程和本科研究联系起来的重要性对学生的成功至关重要, 添加麦克劳克林.

“我的六名学生研究人员获得了本科研究委员会地球科学部门颁发的优秀学生研究奖,”医生说。. Guertin, 注意到这是国家荣誉. “我还带了几个学生在本地和国际会议上展示他们的研究. These students have been co-authors on journal articles, too.”

—Laura Guertin , distinguished professor, Earth sciences, Penn State 白兰地酒