

宾州大学公园. — A series of seed grants from the 联邦校园副校长办公室 (OVPCC) has provided Penn State campus leaders with the support to implement transformative initiatives and best practices that have been successful at other University campuses. 

这笔资金是OVPCC在2022年秋季组织的一次分享会的结果, during which each campus chancellor and another representative from their campus community — a “thought partner” who helped develop, refine or implement the practice — were invited to the University Park campus to present an overview of a unique or impactful leading practice their campus had developed.  

The leading practices focused on themes like mental health and wellness; diversity, 股本, inclusion and belonging; innovation, research and community engagement; student support and career development; and student success, 而演示则详细介绍了实现, 挑战, 与实践相关的机会和结果. 

Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi championed the sharing session after seeing many of the best practices first-hand during her listening tour of Penn State’s campuses that began in spring 2022. 

会议结束后, chancellors were given the opportunity to work with their campus to identify and adopt best practices from other campuses. 为校园提供种子基金,以纳入一项领先的实践, but campus leaders were encouraged to incorporate multiple practices that they felt would benefit their campus community. 

“The OVPCC is pleased to support the launch of these proven leading practices as a means to demonstrate the continued commitment to excellence, 在我们的英联邦校园创新和合作,凯利·奥斯汀说。, 联邦校园副校长兼执行校长. “分享我们的想法和成功经验使我们能够提供最好的学生体验. 我们感谢校园领导愿意为这一充满希望的倡议共同努力.” 



十大网赌靠谱网址平台阿宾顿分校的最佳实践, “通过多元化招聘计划加速教师卓越发展,这是该校在招聘实践中注重包容性的一部分, 总理马戈·德里卡皮尼说.  

“在十大网赌靠谱网址平台阿宾顿分校, 我们的校园集体专注于包容性卓越, and we are committed to proactive efforts that enable us to recruit and retain excellent faculty who are representative of our student body, 因此,支持我们多样化的学生群体的成功,德利卡尔皮尼说. 

“Our leading practice proposal centers on improving hiring practices related not only to our local emerging cluster hire initiative, 旨在加速十大网赌靠谱网址平台阿宾顿分校教员多样性的项目, but also as a campus-wide effort to create equitable and inclusive hiring processes and practices by providing search committees with the knowledge and skills needed to recruit and retain diverse faculty and support the cluster hiring initiative.” 

The seed funding awarded to Penn State Abington will help establish a toolkit and training for hiring committees that will cover the creation of search committees, 制定招聘材料和计划,并对候选人进行评估, 她说.  


一个关注学生健康的播客系列是十大网赌靠谱网址平台杜波依斯分校采用的最佳做法. “通过讲故事治愈疾病”以与学生相关的健康和健康主题为特色, 比如压力管理, 冥想, 平衡和更多. 

十大网赌靠谱网址平台校长柳正宇(Jungwoo Ryoo)表示:“我们很高兴能在十大网赌靠谱网址平台杜波依斯分校的领先实践基础上再创辉煌。. “当我们在8月份提出我们的心理健康和健康推广计划时, 反应非常积极,因此令人鼓舞.”  

“我们还了解到十大网赌靠谱网址平台谢南戈分校非常成功的播客项目,并有了我们的“啊哈”时刻. 我们认为, “为什么不开始一个播客系列,关注通过讲故事来治愈个人呢?,因为已经有充分的证据表明播客与直接干预相结合的好处,柳贤振说. 

Ryoo指出,“通过讲故事治愈”系列不仅可以使十大网赌靠谱网址平台杜波依斯分校的学生受益, 但十大网赌靠谱网址平台所有校区的学生都对心理健康感兴趣. 

“We are thrilled to have the seed funding to implement our idea of adding storytelling to reach out to students to promote their mental health and wellness,他说.  


在宾州大阿勒格尼, “创造明天”将强调职业准备, 创业活动和变革经验(CREATE), 确保学生为社会资本做好准备, 专业的网络, 以及在工作中取得成功的适销对路的技能, 临时校长兼首席学术官梅根·内格尔说. 

使用全国大学和雇主协会(NACE)确定的八项能力, 我们的项目是解决职业准备和创业活动的综合方法,内格尔说. “通过创新的课程作业, 课外学习经验, 以及与外部雇主和社区伙伴的合作, 我们的学生将参与一些活动,这些活动可以在他们的CREATE成绩单上展示给潜在的雇主.”   

Nagel said she was inspired by the entrepreneurial and career focused practices at Penn State Schuylkill and Penn State York. 设想项目时, 内格尔牢记着服务区域的人口统计数据和大阿勒格尼的学生群体概况, 她指出. 

“考虑到我们45%的学生是第一代大学生,50%的学生表现出很高的经济需求, we believe this explicit and well-curated connection between the campus experiences and life beyond graduating from Penn State is truly imperative to maximize the value of their higher education,”她说。. 

十大网赌靠谱网址平台黑兹顿分校: 十大网赌靠谱网址平台黑兹尔顿分校运动员的保留率和持久性提高

With the goal of increasing the rate in which student-athletes participate in their chosen sport from their first to second years on campus, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台黑兹顿分校的最佳实践, “增加十大网赌靠谱网址平台黑兹顿分校运动员的保留率和持久性.”

这项努力的核心是同侪指导,校长伊丽莎白. 莱特.

“The program will provide academic mentorship to first-year students in order to enhance their continuation of athletic participation,赖特说. “回归的运动员将被招募为一年级运动员的同伴导师, 这也为他们提供了一个重要的领导力发展机会.”

莱特 noted that increasing retention would also have a positive effect on a student-athlete's overall sense of belonging at the campus.

“Ensuring student-athletes can continue playing the sports they love is vital to our mission of providing the most meaningful and rewarding experience possible at Penn State Hazleton,”她说。. 



联合校园就业服务的力量, 继续教育, and Beaver Valley LaunchBox to grow high-impact practices with the goal of connecting students more closely throughout pursuit of their degrees. 

十大网赌靠谱网址平台Berks -“通过十大网赌靠谱网址平台Berks建立社区” 

通过参与增加在周围社区的存在感, 告知和突出校园现有和正在进行的合作伙伴关系, 以及利用校园及其资源的营销机会. The goal of this initiative is to increase visibility of the campus in the community and inform current and prospective students about opportunities for success at Penn State Berks. 

十大网赌靠谱网址平台白兰地酒-“校园花园扩建:新机遇, “学生成功的新故事” 

扩大校园花园,增加垂直种植区, 自浇水和自施肥水培或室内花园系统. The effort will also include integrating speakers into the Brandywine LaunchBox’s “Diverse Entrepreneurs Speaker Series” who are experts in various aspects of agriculture and retaining professional grant writing services to pursue funding in support of the garden’s continued growth. 

十大网赌靠谱网址平台-“学生播客:来自我们西班牙裔的影响故事” & 拉丁裔社区” 

A podcast series featuring students and community members that is designed to enhance understanding of Hispanic/Latino populations, 文化, and backgrounds and to also increase the sense of belonging among Hispanic and Latino students at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台. The initiative will also feature a series of workshops on podcasting and storytelling and the opportunity for students to earn a podcasting certification. 


增加对学生运动员的支持,以改善他们的个人体验, 成功和对校园的影响, 包括以学生运动员为中心的聚会, 对教员联络员进行培训, 教练和队长, 还有一个宣传活动. 

宾州州立大学斯库尔基尔分校-“数字营销认证” & 实习项目” 

由两个阶段组成, this best practice would first provide students selected through an application with online training that leads to an industry recognized certification by the Digital Marketing Institute (DMI). Students who pass the DMI program will then be promoted to employers for internships in digital marketing/social media.   


该倡议将实施一个咨询外展中心项目, 主要涉及康复和人类服务专业的学生, 它提供事件, 关注学生心理健康的活动和项目. The Certified Peer Educator component of the program would allow students to complete a 12-hour certification process which would enable them to provide support to fellow students struggling with their psychological well-being. (学生将由咨询中心的工作人员监督,以确保在提供支持时的能力.)