

丰富Fatzinger, PSU-LV体育总监, 和布鲁斯·海恩斯, managing partner of the Historic Hotel Bethlehem and PSU-LV advisory board member, have joined forces to endow an 门户开放奖学金 in support of 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 students


十大网赌靠谱网址平台’s (PSU-LV) athletic director and a local hotelier have brought their passion for supporting Penn State students together for a newly created joint scholarship.

丰富Fatzinger, PSU-LV体育总监, 和布鲁斯·海恩斯, managing partner of the Historic Hotel Bethlehem and PSU-LV advisory board member, have joined forces to endow an 门户开放奖学金 in support of 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 students. 通过最近结束的门户开放奖学金计划, 大学给了他们共同的30美元,000美元2:1捐赠基金90美元,000.

Fatzinger and 海恩斯 combined their gifts to create the Fatzinger-海恩斯 Open Doors奖学金 for Penn State students enrolled at the Lehigh Valley campus who have a financial need and/or academic merit.

About 70 percent of degree-seeking students at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 have a financial need. 敞开大门奖学金, 这是牛津大学当前活动的当务之急之一, "打造21世纪卓越的宾州大学,” ensure that a 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 education is affordable and obtainable for students. The scholarships support students in one of the five Open Doors programs the University has created to help students excel academically and stay on track toward graduation. 

PSU-LV捐赠者| 丰富Fatzinger

丰富Fatzinger, PSU-LV体育总监, 评论了他为什么决定用奖学金捐赠来支持学生.


今年是法辛格担任十大网赌靠谱网址平台体育主任的第九年. He is revered in the local high school sports scene primarily for his successful 35-year career coaching boys’ and girls’ basketball; directing athletic programs at Parkland High School; and for spending two years coaching at Allentown Central Catholic. Fatzinger was inducted into the Lehigh Valley High School Basketball Hall of Fame in 2018.

“Our athletic programs allow students to have a college experience and continue to play a sport they love, 这也激励了他们的教育,法辛格说.

我在艾伦镇长大, Fatzinger attended William Allen High School and has established both his personal and professional relationships all in the Lehigh Valley.

“我很认同这里的学生. 我自己也是第一代学生. 我看到他们是如何上课的, how hard they work; many are working 20-30 hours a week while having a positive college experience,法辛格说. “Many of our students will remain here in the Lehigh Valley and contribute to our region. 我有一种传递爱的理念, so I hope this contribution helps a student finish their degree and will allow them to someday give back to this great community.”

法辛格获得了天普大学的教育学硕士学位, 库茨敦大学教育学学士学位, 以及利哈伊大学的监督和课程证书. 

PSU-LV捐赠者| 布鲁斯·海恩斯

布鲁斯·海恩斯, managing partner of the Historic Hotel Bethlehem and PSU-LV advisory board member, discussed why it is rewarding to him to support students with scholarship funding.


海恩斯在新泽西长大. His connection to the Lehigh Valley began when he attended and graduated from Lehigh University with a bachelor of science in material sciences and engineering. 在美国服役后.S. 通过后备军官训练队, 海恩斯 earned a master of business administration from The Wharton School at the University of 宾西法尼亚. 他大部分时间住在匹兹堡和康涅狄格,然后在美国大学度过了35年.S. Steel in a variety of roles including general manager of the tubular products division, 采购和运输副总裁, and vice president of technology and management services before retiring in 2002.

1998年伯利恒历史酒店破产时, 海恩斯召集了一群人来收购这家酒店. 1999年,他成为伯利恒历史酒店的管理合伙人.  2002年,海恩斯和他的妻子乔安·海恩斯搬回了伯利恒.

“我与十大网赌靠谱网址平台的联系始于乳品厂. My wife and I always enjoyed visiting the Creamery when we went to University Park for Penn State-Lehigh wrestling matches. 在酒店提供十大网赌靠谱网址平台伯克利乳品店的冰淇淋是我妻子的主意. 通过那次冒险, I got to know the people of 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 and that enlightened me to the fact that a student can get a first-class education at about half the cost while living at home and working in the Lehigh Valley. 我有很多宾大利哈伊谷的学生在酒店工作, 我们很高兴能与这个校园融为一体,海恩斯说.

海恩斯, 太, is a first-generation college student who benefited from financial aid and work-study positions throughout college. 海恩斯自2016年起担任PSU-LV顾问委员会成员.

“我想看到的是那些不一定在高中表现出色的孩子, 来给我当勤杂工,然后上社区大学, before transferring to 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 where they continue working while succeeding in school. 私立学校的学费远远超出了大多数学生的能力, I see the model of two years at community college followed by two years at a campus like 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 as an incredibly affordable option,海恩斯说.

Fatzinger and 海恩斯 have golfed together over the years and found they share common interests in supporting students, 所以他们在这个奖学金上合作是有意义的.

“It was a unique opportunity to have these two people partner together to maximize their donation to benefit students,蒂娜说。. 理查森,十大网赌靠谱网址平台校长. “我们非常感谢他们的慷慨支持. Their gift will give more students the ability to achieve their academic goals and career aspirations.”


"为21世纪的卓越成就打造更伟大的十大网赌靠谱网址平台" is a focused campaign that seeks to elevate Penn State’s position as a leading public university in a world defined by rapid change and global connections. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台的目标是3美元.400万年. 在校友和朋友的支持下, “A Greater Penn State” seeks to fulfill the three key imperatives of a 21st-century public university: keeping the doors to higher education open to hardworking students regardless of financial well-being; creating transformative experiences that go beyond the classroom; and impacting the world by fueling discovery, 创新创业.

For more information about endowing a scholarship, contact Development Director 菲利普·圣. 詹姆斯的电话是610-285-5072 (电子邮件保护). To learn more about "打造21世纪卓越的宾州大学,” visit the 大宾州州立大学网站. 要了解更多关于捐赠利哈伊谷校园的十大网赌靠谱网址平台,请访问 十大网赌靠谱网址平台捐赠网站.