Alumnus credits success to his start at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台


乔•沙利文, 宾州州立大学2016届毕业生, (center) poses with two of his mentors 迈克Krajsa (left), 商业讲师, 鲍勃·沃尔夫(右), 商业和经济学讲师, 都在十大网赌靠谱网址平台.

图片来源:Dennille Schuler

乔·沙利文, 2016年毕业于十大网赌靠谱网址平台, packs up his things and prepares to move from Easton, 宾西法尼亚, 到亚特兰大, 乔治亚州, 本月晚些时候,他在玛氏公司的新工作., he reflected on his college experience and personal journey.

Sullivan was a marketing major who minored in supply chain and information sciences and technology. He graduated from Penn State’s Smeal College of Business and Schreyer Honors College in May after spending his first two years at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 as part of the 2+2 program.

“I didn’t know what I wanted to do for college; I was considering moving away for school or possibly going to play Division III football somewhere,沙利文说。. “迈克Damweber came to my high school to talk about 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 and it’s what caused me to apply.”

Sullivan knew 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 would be a good starting point. What he did not expect was how quickly he would feel comfortable here.

“Ever since my first day of orientation, Professor 杰奎琳·麦克劳克林 made me feel welcomed. She made me feel like a person, not just a number,沙利文说. “然后我遇到了两位未来的导师, 迈克Krajsa和鲍勃•沃尔夫, who pushed me and got me engaged in the business world.”

Krajsa, 商业讲师, 和乌尔夫, 商业和经济学讲师, 都在十大网赌靠谱网址平台, 教沙利文如何建立人际关系, how to build a resume and taught him the real world application of what he was learning in their classes. Sullivan used the skills learned at the Lehigh Valley campus to excel in everything he does today.

“They were not just professors to me; they were like family to me,沙利文说。. “They helped me unleash my confidence so that I would be comfortable at a bigger setting like University Park. 现在, I am confident and comfortable meeting new people and being part of my new company, 我觉得我能有所贡献.”

While some people think there is a stigma to the small size of this campus, Sullivan countered that it is the small size that makes it academically harder at times because the spotlight is always on.

“You can’t skate by at a smaller campus because professors focus on you and hold you accountable. 这里有一种家庭氛围. We are a close knit community and this campus gives you all of the skills you need and the opportunity to succeed.”

Sullivan had many opportunities at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 from being part of the Business Society to serving as a Lion Ambassador and 建议 Ambassador.

“Joe’s real gift is in using his talents and knowledge in clearing the fog of self-doubt in the minds of his classmates by encouraging them to embrace ambiguity with diverse thinking, servant leadership and collaboration in fostering change,克拉克森说. “乔是一个给予者和团队建设者.”

当Maryam Kiani, 数学讲师, asked him to be a tutor he recalled feeling extremely honored and flattered. 他最后辅导了七门课.

“我从不认为自己是一个领导者. I was always in the background, but they saw that in me. It was eye-opening seeing how I could help someone get a better grade. I never thought I could be that person for someone else,沙利文说。.

“His involvement in those programs dedicated to supporting the University and his fellow students speaks volumes about his character, his dedication to this University and to his unselfish use of time to help his peers,沃尔夫说。.

Sullivan went on to win the Walker Award at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台, 这被证明是他的另一个转折点.

“Winning that award, opened my eyes that I could move on from this campus now and be able to succeed. Seeing how much everyone believed in me at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 helped me to believe in myself,沙利文说.

Sullivan went on to be inducted into the honor society, Beta Gamma Sigma and graduated with distinction from Penn State’s Smeal College of Business and Schreyer Honors College. 他要搬到亚特兰大去玛氏公司工作. 作为区域销售代表.

在他离开之前, Sullivan recently returned to the Lehigh Valley campus to give two of his mentors a special gift: a personalized and bound copy of his 92-page thesis.

“I wanted to give them a token of my gratitude that would mean a lot to them and something that meant a lot to me. They helped me be able to do this,沙利文说。.