Penn State invests $2 million to support strategic priorities


UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Through an innovative new funding process, Penn State is investing $2 million in its top strategic priorities, 同时推进其教师的重要和变革性工作, staff and students across the University.

Twelve seed grants have been awarded to pilot programs that support Penn State’s 2016-2020 Strategic Plan and its thematic priorities, which include transforming education, enhancing health, stewarding our planet’s resources, advancing the arts and humanities, and driving digital innovation. The funded projects range from the collection, security and management of big health data; to the global development of energy-efficient buildings; to nurturing employment pathways and expanding sustainable and socially responsible food production in Pennsylvania.

Faculty, 来自大学的教职员工和学生提交了提案供审议, seeking grants ranging from $50,000 to $250,000. 第一批获得资助的倡议获得的奖励总额约为200万美元.

“我们将全校范围的战略计划命名为‘我们对影响的承诺’,因为它的实施将在整个宾夕法尼亚州和其他地方产生许多积极的影响,” said Nick Jones, executive vice president and provost of the University. “我们特意向十大网赌靠谱网址平台的人们征求建议,为试点项目获得各种令人兴奋的想法, and the response was extraordinary. 这种方法使我们在许多其他大学中脱颖而出,并表明大学的任何人都可以为我们追求卓越的教学做出有意义的贡献, research and service.”

For example, 一项受资助的提案涉及为十大网赌靠谱网址平台提供领导力和专业知识,以提高全球范围内的建筑效率, 支持大学关于管理地球资源的战略计划的优先事项.

另一项被批准的倡议将有助于发展十大网赌靠谱网址平台蓬勃发展的可持续食品系统计划, which focuses on sustainable and socially responsible food production. 这笔拨款将支持将该项目扩展到十大网赌靠谱网址平台的联邦校区,并增加参与奖学金的机会, including the potential for new student farms at the campuses, in support of the plan’s priority to transform education.

“这批资助的项目体现了我们战略努力的精神和实质,即保持十大网赌靠谱网址平台作为世界一流大学的创新前沿,” said Betty Harper, associate vice provost for planning and institutional research. “它们反映了大学在多学科研究和跨部门有效合作方面的优势。.”

The recently approved initiatives are listed below, 有关提案及其作者的更多十大网赌靠谱网址平台,请访问

联合国欧洲经济委员会(UNECE):全球高性能建筑联盟, mentioned above and in support of stewarding our planet’s resources.

Growing Food, 领导者和社区:在英联邦校园扩展可持续食品系统学习, mentioned above and in support of transforming education.

Digital Collaboratory for Precision Health Research, focusing on the collection, security and management of big health data, in support of driving digital innovation.

The Public Humanities Initiative, focused on developing an ongoing, public conversation on the fundamental ideas and questions of our time, in support of advancing the arts and humanities.

沉浸式技术的数字创新:建立环境决策支持的新范式, 专注于从增强现实到混合现实和虚拟现实的技术进步, in support of driving digital innovation.

— Integrated Data Systems Solutions for Health Equity, 重点是获取和联系州一级公共机构收集的卫生和保健数据, to advance and guide public policy and investments in the Commonwealth, in support of enhancing health.

-校园流动重症监护(AIC),以改善十大网赌靠谱网址平台员工和患有慢性疾病的成年受益人的健康和保健, a partnership focused on integrative, 对超重或肥胖雇员和患有慢性病高风险的成年受益人的强化保健管理, in support of advancing health.

-能源大学合作伙伴关系,支持英联邦的石油和天然气战略, focused on research, development, byproduct utilization, 以及受过良好教育的劳动力需求,以支持壳牌宾夕法尼亚化学公司在十大网赌靠谱网址平台海狸分校附近新建的乙烷制乙烯裂化厂, in support of stewarding our planet’s resources. The initiative will establish Penn State and Penn State Erie, 贝伦德学院是伊利地区和全州副产品利用推广工作的中心.

— Ecology and Design,专注于创建十大网赌靠谱网址平台生态与设计中心(E+D), that will address the need to fuse ecology and design in built works, and establish the University as a leader in E+D innovation and education, in support of stewarding our planet’s resources.

-十大网赌靠谱网址平台启动箱和零售服务和销售行业合作支持就业途径, 合作伙伴关系专注于开发创新的教育计划,为对零售和销售行业感兴趣的学生提供综合的, industry-informed, core competencies curriculum, in support of transforming education.

加强十大网赌靠谱网址平台校园内跨学科和合作的癌症研究活动,十大网赌靠谱网址平台癌症研究所的成员制定和实施博士后十大网赌靠谱网址平台计划, Hershey, and other University campuses.

A University-wide Structured Approach to Organizational Processes, to develop, 实施和制度化全校范围的战略,以改善流程和管理变化, whether expansive or incremental.

The funding for strategic initiatives comes from a variety of sources, among them unit investments; University funds, including strategic reallocations; grants; and philanthropy — including support from the University’s Capital Campaign, "A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence."

The next deadline to submit proposals is Jan. 31; the second round of funded initiatives will be announced in mid-May. 有关战略计划资助模式和种子奖助金流程的更多十大网赌靠谱网址平台, including proposal and submission guidelines, timeline and review process, visit 关于种子赠款和战略计划执行过程的其他组成部分的问题应发送至 [email protected].