宾州州立大学桂冠获得者 to visit and exhibit paintings at Lehigh Valley campus

A headshot of PSU Greater Allegheny faculty member, Lori Hepner

《关于天空的事,” an exhibit featuring cloud drawings and skyscape light paintings by Lori Hepner, 宾州州立大学桂冠获得者, 将在罗纳德K. DeLong Gallery at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 from 2月. 2024年4月5日至27日. Hepner will also be on campus for other events in the month of 2月ruary.  


图片来源:Lori Hepner

宾州中央谷. — The sky’s ever-changing landscape is the focus of 《关于天空的事,” a series of cloud drawing and skyscape light paintings featuring movement drawings created by Lori Hepner, 2023-24十大网赌靠谱网址平台获奖者. Hepner’s work will be displayed in the 罗纳德·K. DeLong Gallery at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 (PSU-LV) from 2月. 5日至4月27日. She will also be visiting the PSU-LV campus for two days in 2月ruary. The exhibit will kick off with a reception on Tuesday, 2月. 6、从下午5点到7点.m. 在画廊里. 

Hepner is a professor of integrative arts at Penn State Greater Allegheny. 宾州州立大学桂冠获得者 is an annual faculty honor established to give greater visibility to the arts, 人文学科, 领奖人的工作, 和大学. 作为这个荣誉角色的一部分, the 宾州州立大学桂冠获得者 travels to various Commonwealth Campuses to deliver lectures, 艺术展览, 或者与学生分享他们的工作, faculty and the wider community throughout the year. 除了她的展览, Hepner will work with students in PSU-LV’s 艺术 of Math course and hold a Gallery Talk as well as several Drop-in Workshops on Wednesday, 2月. 7. 

Ann Lalik, arts coordinator and director of the 罗纳德·K. DeLong Gallery at PSU-LV was thrilled to learn this year’s Laureate is a visual artist.

“I thought it was a great opportunity for the art gallery,拉里克说. “Hosting the exhibit for the entire semester, 还有她为期两天的住院实习, creates a unique experience for all our students, 尤其是数学艺术课程, where students will be able to try what Lori calls robot light painting.”

对于这个过程, students will use simple programming to move a robot that contains LED lights; the light movement will be captured to create a unique photographic image.  

Hepner called her exhibit 《关于天空的事” in honor of the work that inspired it. A 1956 television audio/visual essay by naturalist Rachel Carson discussed cloud formations over film footage showing the beauty of clouds. Hepner took the techniques used in Carson’s essay a step further. The movement drawings in Hepner’s exhibit were created using wearable LEDs and cloud seeding pods. She created cloud drawings in site-specific performances outdoors in the coldest months, where she used dry ice to seed visible cloud contrails in the cold air. The process is inspired by meteorologist Vincent Schaefer, who invented cloud seeding techniques and the provider of the films Carson used in her initial essay.  

“We’re very fortunate to have Lori [Hepner] exhibit her research, which is using light and movement to create beautiful images that help us experience the world in a unique way,拉里克说. “We’re excited about not only her exhibit, but being able to integrate some of her work into our courses at PSU-LV. The greater Lehigh Valley community is also invited to experience her drop-in sessions to learn how she creates this work, and to be part of her creative process.” 

For more information about Hepner’s work, 访问她的网站.   


Lori Hepner, 2023-24十大网赌靠谱网址平台获奖者, presents 《关于天空的事” — 2月. 4月5日至27日,在罗纳德K. DeLong Gallery at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台. Gallery events are free and open to the public.

  • 艺术家招待会:2月11日(星期二. 6, 5—7 p.m.
  • 画廊讲座:2月11日(星期三. 7, 9:30 –10 a.m.   
  • 上门研讨会:2月3日星期三. 7, 2 – 4 p.m. 

For more information about the 罗纳德·K. DeLong Gallery, contact Lalik at 610-285-5261 or (电子邮件保护)
